Friday, 25 May 2012

Day 41: Mark 14:12-31
The Lord’s Supper and Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial

This is now Thursday evening; the night before the crucifixion. It coincided with the night when the Jewish people celebrated the Passover and the seven day feast of unleavened bread (no yeast) began the next day. As leader and teacher it was Jesus’ responsibility to organise and host the Passover meal. Jesus had already made the arrangements. The meal took place inside and then Jesus led them on to the Mount of Olives just outside the city walls of Jerusalem.
The Passover is the time when all Jews remember that they were set free from slavery in Egypt in 1450BC under Moses. A lamb had to be killed by each household to provide blood to put on the door posts to prevent the angel of death killing their firstborn sons. (Exodus 12:12-13) This was followed by a time when they carried bread without yeast from Egypt which they had made before they left to provide for their journey. Jesus became like the Passover lamb and therefore it was very significant that his death happened straight after the Passover meal.
The prophecy that this band of men would be broken up like sheep being scattered is taken from Zechariah 13:7.

As you read through this account you begin to get a sense of the sadness that is coming over the disciples who had followed Jesus for nearly three years.

What made them all desert Jesus and do you think any of them had any choice in this? How can you keep your heart right with God right through to the very end?

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