Saturday, 12 May 2012

Day 28: Mark 9:2-13
The Transfiguration

This event probably happened on Mount Hermon near Caesarea Philippi. The three closest disciples saw Jesus in a very different form. (John 17:5). Moses was there to represent the law of God because Jesus came to obey the law completely on our behalf (Matt 5:17). Elijah was there to represent prophecy, healing and the supernatural life that could never die (2 Kings 2:11-12). Elijah also had to suffer under Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-3); John the Baptist suffered and Jesus would soon need to suffer and die.

Why was it necessary for Peter, James and John to see Jesus in this unusual and awesome state?

What do you make of the transfiguration? If your faith is earthbound what does this do for you? 

Let God speak to you about heaven and its reality.

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