Friday, 4 May 2012

  Day 20: Mark 6:45-56
 Jesus Walks on the Water

Jesus withdrew to pray, probably because the people wanted to make him a king. (John 6:15) The plan was to meet on the shore near Bethsaida (and go on to Capernaum according to John). The storm changed all this and they ended up further west in Gennesaret. (the region west of lake Galilee) Jesus’ appearance on the water was frightening because local Jewish people were superstitious about water spirits that appeared in the night to bring disaster (NIV study note on verse 49). Storms were common on this sea but this one was memorable.

Jesus uses circumstances to train us.
What would his disciples have learned from this situation?

This story has many possible applications to us when things get out of control.
Is God saying anything in particular to you?

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