Wednesday, 2 May 2012

  Day 18: Mark 6:14-29
John the Baptist is Beheaded

Herod Antipas was the Roman ruler of Galilee. He was one of several sons of Herod the Great who died in 4 BC and divided his kingdom into parts for each of his sons. John the Baptist suffered a martyr’s death because he was not afraid to do the will of God and publically expose Herod of his adultery with his brother’s wife. Herod apparently respected John but his partner, Herodias, hated him. People did not yet understand who Jesus was and so the nearest powerful figure they could connect him with was John the Baptist.

How was it that Herod listened to John even though
 John had been so publically critical of him?

How does this encourage you when the Spirit of God
may be urging you to speak up about anything? 

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