Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Day 24
: Mark 8:14-21
The Yeast of the Pharisees and Herod

Editors note: Some sections of Mark’s gospel have been missed out in this 49 day blog. I have mainly chosen the sections that show the journey that Jesus was on during his three year mission. I think that Mark’s gospel shows that journey more clearly than the other gospels. If you would like the sections that fill in the gaps just post a comment and these can be included as an additional blog that you can visit at some other time if you want to. The sections have not been missed out because they are not important but because to do the whole thing would take a massive 70 days ! 

Jesus was still on the move and they have crossed over the Lake of Galilee several times in the last few stories. The conflict with the religious leaders and the Roman leaders was becoming more intense and Jesus uses the last miracle to explain about their evil intentions because yeast was a symbol of evil and corruption. They needed to understand that God’s intentions are always good and that He provides good things.

Why did the disciples immediately feel guilty when Jesus started talking with them?

Are you fully secure in your relationship with God and do you believe He loves you even when you feel guilty about your failings? 

Reflect more deeply today on His great love for you which is unconditional. It will transform the way you love and serve Him.

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