Saturday, 14 April 2012

Let God Speak! Mark's Gospel : Day 5

Day 5 : Mark 1:35-39

Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place

Galilee was a province around the north and west side of the huge inland lake of Galilee.
(The lake is still there but is now called Tiberias)
It was the place where Jesus did most of his work of preaching, teaching and healing in the first year of his public life. Jesus used the method of going to the synagogue in the villages and towns which was the custom of the travelling Rabbis (Jewish religious teachers). But he went far beyond the custom as he cast out evil spirits and healed people.

How did Jesus make his plans to know which places to go to?
(John 5:19-20)

How does this change the way you should make your plans each day?
(James 4:13-15)

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