Saturday, 14 April 2012

Let God Speak! Mark's Gospel : Day 2

Day 2: Mark 1:9-13
The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus

(previous days are archived on this page)

Jesus was about 30 years old and this is the beginning of his

public life. Mark only gives very brief details about Jesus baptism but what he reveals about being God’s son is important as Jesus faced an immediate trial of 40 days testing in a dangerous place. The testing was planned by God because it was the Spirit of God who led Jesus. Satan was once a high ranking prince of God before he

fell by wanting to be like God. (Ezekiel 28:13-19)

Why did God tell Jesus that he was his Son and he loved him very much?

What will you do when Satan accuses you that you cannot have a relationship with God? (Revelation 12:10)

How does knowing that you are a child of God help you when you face difficulties that seem designed to destroy your faith? (Romans 8:15)

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