A Prophet without Honour
Why do think they are sceptical and discouraging?
Day 5 : Mark 1:35-39
Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place
How did Jesus make his plans to know which places to go to?
(John 5:19-20)
How does this change the way you should make your plans each day?
(James 4:13-15)
Day 4: Mark 1:21-28
Jesus Drives out an Evil Spirit
Capernaum became the centre of Jesus’ public life and ministry. This display of evil in a man in the Synagogue was evidence that the Jewish Rabbis and the people were living in the shadow of fear as predicted in Isaiah 9:2. Jesus’ authority in this confrontation, and in his teaching, is part of the evidence that he was the Saviour sent to deliver the people from evil.
Evil is real and can appear in the person of demonic beings.
The kind of evil shown here is actual possession by demonic beings (who
spoke instead of the man) and can occur in those who have not actively closed the door to any past conscious or unconscious involvement with evil powers. Jesus, and his followers in the Church, have full authority in those situations. If you think you think are being disturbed by evil spirits it is important you talk to another trusted believer in Jesus to help you in the process of being set free.
Apart from this Christians can be battered by discouragement, feelings of worthlessness and non-specific spiritual opposition, accusation and persecution. This intimidation by evil forces wears us down. It is important to realise that these experiences cannot destroy us and we still have Jesus’ full authority to persevere when we are under that pressure. (1 Peter 5:8-9) God is using it to allow us to grow and the word of God needs to be strongly working within us. That the reason why daily readings such as this course in Mark’s gospel are so important.
Take some time to reflect on the authority of Jesus in your life.
Let God speak to you about the cleansing, refreshing and freedom that this brings to you.
Day 3: Mark 1:14-20
The Calling of the First Disciples
This was not the first time Simon (Peter) had met Jesus (John 1:40) but it was the time he was called to leave what he was doing to be trained by Jesus to be useful in the Kingdom of God. However, Simon acted decisively and was the one who led the way. For Simon, Andrew, James and John this call was full time but for many others, who later followed Jesus it would be alongside their normal occupation but even that is challenging and equally important.
What training are you doing to become useful in the Kingdom of God?
Day 2: Mark 1:9-13
The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
(previous days are archived on this page)
Jesus was about 30 years old and this is the beginning of his
public life. Mark only gives very brief details about Jesus baptism but what he reveals about being God’s son is important as Jesus faced an immediate trial of 40 days testing in a dangerous place. The testing was planned by God because it was the Spirit of God who led Jesus. Satan was once a high ranking prince of God before he
fell by wanting to be like God. (Ezekiel 28:13-19)
Why did God tell Jesus that he was his Son and he loved him very much?
What will you do when Satan accuses you that you cannot have a relationship with God? (Revelation 12:10)
How does knowing that you are a child of God help you when you face difficulties that seem designed to destroy your faith? (Romans 8:15)
Jesus’ journey:
His daily life and work for three years
Welcome to a 49 day journey starting today. Jesus said “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls”
Day 1: Mark 1:1-8 John the Baptist prepares the way
The gospel is no ordinary story.
The Old Testament prophets Malachi and Isaiah pictured the coming of John the Baptist 400-700 years before it happened. (Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3) There are several hundred Old Testament prophecies about Jesus which picture his birth place, the way he died and many of the things you will read about in this gospel. All this shows that his life was planned for a purpose.
John the Baptist finally came to announce his arrival.
What was John’s important message?
How will you prepare yourself to meet with Jesus as you read this gospel over the coming weeks?
Is there anything God wants you to sort out?
(Luke 3:10-14)
Mark is very brief and the other gospels often add a lot more detail to some of the stories such as this one. This is probably because Mark was the first to write a gospel. We believe he used information that Peter (the leading disciple of Jesus) passed on. Peter was very much an action guy as you will find out later. Hence the action style of this gospel.