Monday, 4 June 2012

Day 48: John 21:1-14
Jesus Appears in Galilee. The Miraculous Catch

This account happened later when the disciples went to Galilee as they were told to (Mark 16:7). Altogether there were forty days between Jesus’ resurrection and his return to heaven (Acts 1:3) and he appeared to more than five hundred people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:5) as well as all the other personal accounts recorded in the gospels. We are not told why he wanted to meet the disciples in Galilee but all the remaining eleven disciples were from Galilee and this account seems to describe a very intimate and necessary time to remind these men of the good times they had experienced with him and a demonstration that he was a real person who could cook and eat fish. It was also a very important time for Peter.

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